Jan 31, 2007

Beijing is far away, Plover still sucks

Sammy Duvall's House

People who are, or would be attending, probably already know this, but the 2007 World University Championships will be held in Beijing, China.

Ugh...go here

What is the World University Championships? Well, as any red-blooded American knows, or red-blooded Chinese person, or red-blooded Aussie, or red-blooded Japanese, or Molson-blooded Canadian knows for that matter is this...the World University Championship is where the World pits the best University's against each other to see who has complete and total University Domination!!

If you missed some of the preliminary rounds, Harvard went out like a bitch, getting cock-stomped by the nursing school at Cal-Tech. Texas A&M squeaked by the University of London in a last second body lock with outside step (look it up), narrowly averting what would have been quite an upset to advance.

From there it was pretty much as you would expect, Idaho State blistered the competition through 10 rounds of greco-roman nonsense, just getting the cock shuttle past the outstretched sails of their foes doppleganger. Or some shit.

Whatever, here is the official release from USAWaterski.com.
During its Executive Committee Meeting on Jan. 15 at the Winter World University Games in Torino, Italy, the International University Sport Federation (FISU) awarded the 2008 World University Water Ski Championships to Beijing, China. The tournament dates will be announced at a later time. Beijing also is the host city of the 2008 Olympic Games.

FISU, whose Summer Games includes 9,000 participants and comprises the second largest international amateur sporting event in the world, recognized water skiing in 2003 and sanctioned the inaugural FISU World University Water Ski Championships in Balakovo, Russia, in 2004. The second World University Championships was to be held in 2006 in Plover, Wis., but had to be cancelled due to delays in construction of the site.
No need to mention that the FISU sanctions World University competitions in such things as Archery, Badminton, Bridge, Chess, Floorball, Futsal and Orienteering, which we can only imagine is a competitive form of showing freshman where the fucking dorms are and where to score weed.

OH!!! Would hate to leave this out though. Nice dig at Plover!! Way to go!!

University Championship (Usawaterski.com)
International University Sport (Fisu.net)

Jan 22, 2007

Turn Off the Lights!!

Are you not entertained?

Dude, sure the Barefoot Central are probably good people, but, DAMN. You need a pair of sunglasses and a decoder ring to view this site. Just LOUD!

Home Page (Barefootcentral)

A quiz..of sorts

Being officially intrigued by the world of waterski racing, someone needs to explain what the hell THIS all means.

This is a realm of the sport that is baffling. How does it work? How to you win?

Oh...Wait...thank you internets, its all essplained here.
A ski race team consists of a boat driver, an observer and a skier. The driver will tow the skier, varying the speed as different water conditions are encountered, according to the driver's knowledge of the skier, the observer's ability to read the skier and the signals which the skier gives to the driver. Novices who have not progressed onto a mono ski, can race on a pair, although it is far easier to compete on a single ski, once learned. A"race ski" is normally between seven and eight feett in length with two full boot bindings
Right, that explains it. Race on Brothas!

Waterski Racing (Cowra Guardian)
About (About.com)

Jan 17, 2007

More Gator Slapping Love

These boat shows are getting out of hand

Various media stuff from the Stunt Junkies, completely ripped off from Skyfly.com

Have said it already, but, that show and Scot's performance really made us happy. So great to see some TV love for our sport. So, thanks to Discovery Channel and Scot for stomping it.

Jan 16, 2007

Slapped Gators

Click me, I won't disappoint you..like your wife

If you weren't watching "Stunt Junkies" last night on the Discovery Channel, which is understandable seeing as terrorists blew up a nuclear bomb in LA on 24, then you missed Scot Ellis launching over 18 boats with out landing in one.

Which was pretty cool, the show itself, besides a title that seems to be plucked from a middle-age white man focus group and at least one host who despite good intentions comes off as slightly nerdier version of the Late Shows Alan Kalter.


One of the host guys, Eli, went out with Scot and learned to jump real quick, and he for not skiing or jumping did allright by himself and was a nice counter-balance to Scot looking so FUCKING EFFORTLESS flying the way he does.

They also did a quick recap or impressions or whatever on their website and its pretty by the books but its nice to read anyway.

But to the CRB the most amazing part of it, besides the camera work, was Scot himself.

First of all, it takes one tough man to rock that hairstyle!!

Second, who knew that his foot was so fucked up? Maybe we just aren't in the know, but, that crash did some damage to his body. That was the most interesting part, how he gets ready, all the duct tape and what not.

Third, the science behind the skis was cool. The airplane wing stuff. I am sure that is something to tackle at a later date here in the CRB world.

That being said they did a real nice job of explaining a small sport in easy to understand ways, including some fun science facts (I see you Bill Nye) and some really well done camera work.

What I would really like to see, however, is some of the raw footage and camera angles from Scot's jumps. They had camera's all over the place and some of that could be put together and really make the boys at "Edged in Water" get their game on, seeing as this show beat the pants off of the EIW boys in camera work.

All in all it was awesome and they have a cool video section on the Discovery.Com website that give a 50 second or so highlight package.

Top Notch!!

Video (Discovery.Com)
Recap (Discovery.Com)

Jan 15, 2007

And Then I Will Bitchslap an Alligator!

I will KILL that Nautique!!

So says Scot Ellis* who will be on the TV tonight on the Discovery Channel jumping over a bunch of boats.
"Scot Ellis plans on breaking the world record for the number of boats jumped by a man on water ski's, a record held long time mentor, water ski Hall of Famer Hank Longo. Scot will attempt to jump over 20+ jet boats (250+ feet), beating the world record."
It is recommended that all rowboat residents check this out. Its bound to be awesome. Although, 250 plus feet sounds a little dubious, seeing as the world record is 243 and Freddy wasn't presented with the challenge of Failure = Death.

Click here for the Discovery Channel website or here for the Ski Fly Chat Board to discuss.

The official schedule for viewing (in eastern time)

Jan. 15 @ 10:30 PM (Wisely not programed against 24)
Jan. 16 @ 2:30 AM (Going for the late night stoned crowd..we guess)
Jan. 19 @ 11:30 PM (Friday night at 11:30 = Ratings Bonanza!!)
Jan. 29 @ 2:30 PM (That housewife crowd is big)

Got to hand it to Scot, he is out there getting it done and getting our sport on TV. Fairly ballsy stunt if you axe the rowboat. Wish the best of luck and hopefully we get to see more stuff like this on the tube.

* Scot Ellis did not say he would bitchslap an Alligator. Although, its possible that he could do so anyways...he's bad-ass like that.

The Big Jump (Discovery.com)
Chat Board (Skifly.com)

Jan 7, 2007

More Barefooting Goodness

Along with a new look, here is some more barefoot video fun. Thanks for the heads up Dan. Send us tips if you got em yo!!