Jan 31, 2007

Beijing is far away, Plover still sucks

Sammy Duvall's House

People who are, or would be attending, probably already know this, but the 2007 World University Championships will be held in Beijing, China.

Ugh...go here

What is the World University Championships? Well, as any red-blooded American knows, or red-blooded Chinese person, or red-blooded Aussie, or red-blooded Japanese, or Molson-blooded Canadian knows for that matter is this...the World University Championship is where the World pits the best University's against each other to see who has complete and total University Domination!!

If you missed some of the preliminary rounds, Harvard went out like a bitch, getting cock-stomped by the nursing school at Cal-Tech. Texas A&M squeaked by the University of London in a last second body lock with outside step (look it up), narrowly averting what would have been quite an upset to advance.

From there it was pretty much as you would expect, Idaho State blistered the competition through 10 rounds of greco-roman nonsense, just getting the cock shuttle past the outstretched sails of their foes doppleganger. Or some shit.

Whatever, here is the official release from USAWaterski.com.
During its Executive Committee Meeting on Jan. 15 at the Winter World University Games in Torino, Italy, the International University Sport Federation (FISU) awarded the 2008 World University Water Ski Championships to Beijing, China. The tournament dates will be announced at a later time. Beijing also is the host city of the 2008 Olympic Games.

FISU, whose Summer Games includes 9,000 participants and comprises the second largest international amateur sporting event in the world, recognized water skiing in 2003 and sanctioned the inaugural FISU World University Water Ski Championships in Balakovo, Russia, in 2004. The second World University Championships was to be held in 2006 in Plover, Wis., but had to be cancelled due to delays in construction of the site.
No need to mention that the FISU sanctions World University competitions in such things as Archery, Badminton, Bridge, Chess, Floorball, Futsal and Orienteering, which we can only imagine is a competitive form of showing freshman where the fucking dorms are and where to score weed.

OH!!! Would hate to leave this out though. Nice dig at Plover!! Way to go!!

University Championship (Usawaterski.com)
International University Sport (Fisu.net)


  1. Anonymous4:03 PM

    yea so the plover site is a no go. they never even began building, and as i understand they have begun to return money. sucks for those that have already built houses and thought they had on the water homes, and now have houses in the middle of a field.

  2. Anonymous2:22 PM

    You have really great taste on catch article titles, even when you are not interested in this topic you push to read it

  3. Anonymous11:07 AM

    I didn't understand the concluding part of your article, could you please explain it more?

  4. Anonymous3:46 PM

    no. dont care to explain it more.


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