Jan 22, 2007

Turn Off the Lights!!

Are you not entertained?

Dude, sure the Barefoot Central are probably good people, but, DAMN. You need a pair of sunglasses and a decoder ring to view this site. Just LOUD!

Home Page (Barefootcentral)


  1. Anonymous10:30 PM

    its a terrible website, Ive tried to read it but it appearently was designed by the ultimate multi tasker in history

  2. Anonymous9:44 AM

    CRB, an idea for the next post: a rundown of all the ski schools for those crazy spring breakers!! you rock :)

  3. Anonymous12:35 PM

    After that possibly a run down of strip clubs surrounding the ski skools.

  4. Interesting...I like both ideas. Need the CRB minions to scour the areas.


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