Apr 20, 2020

Happy 4/20 From Your Friends at CRBaked

Hi Everyone!

Hey, how about that.  We remembered to pay our internet bill and the man let us have our website back!  Our accounts payable department* is awesome.

Hope everyone is having a great year and nothing weird or bad or terrifying has happened to affect anyones life in any way what so ever!!

CRB - "Whats that?"

CRB - "Oh, I see, could you be a little more specific?"

All seeing being:  /gestures broadly at everything.

CRB - "Well, fuck"

Light one up then, enjoy this while we still have it.

Collegiate Nationals 2024 - CRB Review - Part 1

Did everyone who wasn't at Collegiate Nationals enjoy it?  Did you watch it on your phone while taking a dump at work?   We sure did!  I...