Jul 31, 2019

New Federal Law: Pontoon Days

Hey!  Did anyone watch the Democratic Debate last night???

HOO-BOY, we are sure it must have been wonderfully entertaining and hopefully a sign of brighter things ahead for our country, but, we didn't watch!

Did Elizabeth Warren "LAY WASTE" to John Delany??


Or did Bernie say some...whatever, Bernie stuff??  Probably!!

With all the talk of health care and reparations and immigration and, what else, infrastructure??  That sounds like something someone would say at some point wouldn't it?  That sounds like a politician type word.  Infrastructure.  Thats a meaty word if you think about, full of syllables and letters and what not, makes one feel smart...maybe to smart if you ask us...its really a scam that the system is playing on us, get us to feel smarter than we really are.

When we feel smarter, we tend to gloss over things that one who, of such a high IQ, would condemn as beneath them, or not worthy of our time or not deemed of such importance as to raise even an interested eye brow.

But, this, is not, that place.

What was not talked about is a policy that we need to fight for, we need to take to the streets, demand action take place RIGHT AWAY!


Calmer then you are dude.

Jul 30, 2019

Ummm...did you know they are waterskiing at the Pan American Games?

Oh!  Hi there!!  Its been awhile, here are crb hq we were got really down a rabbit hole on you tube of people falling down stairs.  Its wonderful.

But, did you know that there is waterskiing going on at the Pan American Games in Lima??


Turns out, its probably going on right now!  Or maybe its already over!!

If our ability to google stuff works, looks like... /types furiously...

Well, huh, how about that.  Regina Jaquess (pronounced Jaquess) is still out there wrecking shit like a boss.

She won gold.  As if any of us doubted our cyborg overlord.  See?  Look here.  ClickaLinka

Ok, so, thats it.  Looks as though tuesdays action will consist of MOAR SKIING.  via the link above.

Tuesday’s action will consist of the men’s and women’s water ski overall events and men’s wakeboarding. Garcia will compete in men’s overall, Jaquess will compete in women’s overall, and Andrew Adkison (Chipley, Fla.) will compete in men’s wakeboarding.
Tight Tight Tight.  So, anyways, this has been the helpful CRB.  As always your #1 source of waterski news.

Counter point - Its super nice out

  oh sure, you were cold a few months ago, idiot , but, it was crazy nice out today.  it is a presidential election season which of course m...