Feb 17, 2015

Ski Racing is for Crazies

143 mph ski racing crash.  I cant think of anything I would like to do less on the water than ski race.  This sport is for the crazies.

Feb 16, 2015

Vid Day Monday

The Wilson Brothers have been putting out bad ass vid after bad ass vid.  This one is one of the best so far.

Feb 10, 2015

Easy to Love

This is a scene from Easy To Love starring Esther Williams.  Apparently she was known for doing all of her own stunts, So yes, that is her hitting the ramp and hanging from the helicopter.   This vid is a great example of how good the Cypress Gardens show ski team was.  And, they also seem to have had about 75 jump ramps.

Feb 9, 2015

Vid Day Monday

Marcus Brown has been working on a new project, Flow Point TV, and putting out some pretty sweet vids.  This vid got me thinking of Jamie Beauchesne and how he compared downhill skiing to slalom.