Feb 20, 2018

Flow Point TV and a Quick Rant

Flow Point TV and Marcus Brown have brought us this love letter to collegiate skiing.

I watched this and immidiatly started looking to see where Nationals will be this year. Damn, that brings back all the fun memories and...yada yada gray hair old people words about past experiences. This got me thinking, what are we doing wrong with 3 event today that college skiing is the only bright spot in our sport right now? The Green Lightning tournament hosted by Jeff Surdej is the only team style tournament I know of, there are probably more but since we do such an absolutely shit job of promoting our sport, even to those like us here at the CRB world headquarters who love the sport and want to know whats going on.

Ok, I'm going to go yell at inanimate objects and any kids that get near my yard.

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