Nov 29, 2017

The Lament / The Regret / The Ascent

Things happen sometimes
Sometimes its the right reason
Sometimes its just life

Desire, passion
Nothing to bill collectors
push aside to live

Life can seem unfair

Its a part of you
That provides the energy
For everything else

But its now shadows
Collecting dust in the shed
Thats where the fun sits

Life can seem unfair

Ego comes from lake
Identity swirls in blue 
The tough transition

The burn is alive
The strive to achieve still burns
That burn is on low

Life can seem unfair

Boat was in garage
Boat was replaced by real life
Boat was sold to friend

Skis collecting dust
Old wetsuits stored in basement
The fire dims...slightly

Life can seem unfair

Priorities change
Satisfaction comes different
You're still there for me

I've put you aside
For a moment, for a spell
Chill for a second

Life can seem unfair

The things that mattered
What gave you purpose and life
They are changed now

You have to work more
You are on your own payroll
Nothing free again

Life can seem unfair

Is it though? for real?
Maybe you are now the bank
You are now the rock

You are what is strong
You must now provide that spark
You are the reason

Life can seem unfair

If its important
If it matters now at all
Nothing should stop you

Its just a slight change 
In your mental thought process
You aren't what you were

Life can seem unfair

Your better then that
You have grown beyond nonsense
You will never fail

Circular notion 
It all comes around to you
Its your time to shine

Life can be unfair

They cant bring you down
Life cant stop your good desire
You just have to try

You won't always win
Nor, will you always succeed
Sometimes you just sit

Life can be unfair

Fight through that bullshit
Set your sights high, with purpose
Maybe you get close

Maybe its awful
Its still an effort you gave
Its fine, you don't lose

Life can be unfair

Try again, harder
Maybe, maybe not, its life
Keep that fire burning

The lake, forever
The passion, never ending
The desire, varies

Life can be unfair

Hold it close, the fire
Real life always interferes
Never stops passion

Things will be awesome
That day when we achieve it
Feeling of success

Life can be unfair

Life can be unfair
It can provide the real truth
Actual reason

For our real effort
Why we work and live that life
Because there is more

Life can be unfair

It will never change
Life always tempts your real truth
It hurts your real soul

Life can be unfair

We are given life
To go attack our dream
In whatever way

Age is no matter
Life doesn't discriminate
Only your self does

Life can be unfair

Attack you chances
Don't give in to bad impulse
And that boat may move

You can always strive
Your personal best is right there
Fucking go get it

Life can be awesome

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