Apr 20, 2015

Chain of Records

So a bunch of show skiers got together in Florida about a week ago and tried to break a bunch of show ski records.  While at first I thought this was kinda lame I have come around on it.  Mostly because this looked like a fun time, don't really care about the records as much as having a good time on the water.  I did notice they did not try to challange Rowboat Abides record of most beers drank while clearly too drunk to get out of his rocking chair while waving a shotgun at young whipper snappers or ODBF's record of most time spent doing nothing of any value while getting paid.

Thats a lot of footers!

And some swivel yard sales

//flip flip
///flips while flipping

40 people on the pylon of a triple rig...looks like a smooth ride.

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