Apr 30, 2014

The Masters is an Operation Gold Event...What Does That Mean?

Earlier today skifly posted this and since it was in all caps one would have to assume that this is an important thing.


Operation Gold!  Wow.  Such Color, Very Waterski.

This has to be a great thing right?  USA Waterski has been beating down the doors of the USOC in recent years, with varying degrees of success, but, lets not get ahead of ourselves.  What does it mean?

Lets check in with wakeboarding mag dot com
The Masters was first chosen by USA Water Ski as an Operation Gold Event for water ski athletes in 2012. It is truly an honor for the Masters to once again be designated as an Operation Gold event. USA Water Ski and the World Wakeboard Association (WWA) created a Statement of Cooperation to allow the Wakeboard athletes access to these Operation Gold funds for 2014. 
Operation Gold is a USOC program that rewards athletes for earning medals at one elite level event annually. Operation Gold allows U.S. water ski and wakeboard athletes to earn money by placing in the top-four in their division. U.S. athletes in these disciplines will be awarded an additional $2,500 for first, $2,000 for second, $1,500 for third and $1,000 for fourth place.
Oh Nice!  Our skiers and wakeboarders can get some MOAR dough for hitting the podium.  Thats awesome.

There are some very nice quotes within that wake board . com article from various parties involved, including the head of USA Waterski Bob Crowley, Mr. Crowley if your nasty.
“We are very pleased to work with the WWA to provide this USOC Operation Gold funding opportunity to these incredibly talented water ski and wakeboard athletes. This is a testament to the quality of athletes who compete in the Masters each year and to the prestige of the event that Nautique produces. It is always an honor to work with the USOC on this program,” commented Bob Crowley, executive director of USA Water Ski, the national governing body of organized water skiing in the United States and a member of the United States Olympic Committee.
This is really nice.  Its very nice to see the continuation of USA Waterski and the USOC.  Nothing but good can come out of this relationship, at least to our eyes and ears...you would like to see our sport become more than that...but, the structures that are in place and the way in which the the VAST majority of sports in this country operate, we should be stoked that this is a thing...a relationship that is growing our sport further.  Upwards.

Just think, in about 10 years, our dream of a team based waterski team based competition will come true.

1st overall pick???

Alex Laurentano-dig dug Jr.

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