Sep 22, 2011

Boom It Like You Mean It

There are those days where you sit and look at a glass come lake and think "I have got to bust out the slalom ski and tear that shit up." other days its "Hellz to the Yeaz lets get our footing on". This vid is one of those other days.

Sometimes you just need to get out on the boom and tear it up footing and doing things that you will never be able to do long line. Or at least the CRB crew will never do long line...

Thanks to Danny for the vid.


  1. Anonymous1:04 PM

    hought you sports fans would like this:

  2. Anonymous9:32 PM

    Oh that play rules!


Speak now. Give us your tired your hungry your weak. We will make them into CRB Staff

Counter point - Its super nice out

  oh sure, you were cold a few months ago, idiot , but, it was crazy nice out today.  it is a presidential election season which of course m...