Jun 13, 2011

Vid Day Monday

I hate PWC with a passion. Not because they are not fun to drive, they are way way cooler then a bag of hair*, but because 99.7%** of the people driving them are fucking morons.

*but you can smoke a bag of hair
**not a scientific calcualtion

The following story was sent in by CRB reader Jay Gilbert and is from the Houston Chronicle. Lots of BWI (boating while intoxicated) tickets and what not, but it also has this great story of some yahoos taking a PWC and putting an aluminum boat frame around it. Then that contraption sinking. There are some weird things out on the lakes but this may take the cake for odd boating.

Around sunset on May 28, Upshur County Warden David Pellizzari and Gregg County Warden Dewayne Noble were patrolling Lake Hawkins when Warden Noble spotted an overturned boat.
As the wardens approached, they noticed four people in the water, trying to move away from the sinking vessel.

The wardens approached the people, made sure everybody had a life jacket and began the rescue effort.

Two nearby personal watercraft tried to assist by picking up the victims but could retrieve only one person. The other PWC flipped when one of the victims took off his life jacket and started panicking because he couldn’t swim.

The wardens quickly grabbed that subject and loaded him on their patrol boat as he was struggling to keep his head above water.

The remaining two victims helped secure the vessel before wardens towed it to the bank.

The boat was a homemade vessel consisting of a 14-foot aluminum boat built around a jet ski used as the propulsion unit.

The boat, which was clearly overloaded, began to sink when a wave came over the stern

Perfect example of a dip shit driving a PWC. YOU NEED TO GIVE IT POWER TO TURN!!!!!

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