Feb 17, 2011

Freddy Gets Filthy

Oh, so this is how Freddy Krueger practices jump in the off season... Throwing 200ft+ japan airs on 90" jumpers. Give me a call if you need a support group after watching this video, I'll try to answer the phone in between sobs of inadequacy. Chances are this vid will be featured in this year's edition of MasterCraft's rewind, but for now it looks like it's only on their Facebook page.

1 comment:

  1. Freddy, when can we see that helmet cam footage?


Speak now. Give us your tired your hungry your weak. We will make them into CRB Staff

Its to Dang Cold!

Enjoy this weather you hot piece of ass! Dispatch from the CRB weather desk Guess what???  ITS COLDER THEN A WELL DIGGERS ASS OUT THERE KIDS...