Oct 13, 2010

Lake Trout Carry Out - College Edition

NCWSA Nationals starts tomorrow and we have been woefully lax in our college coverage this year. So here is the college waterski haps from the news world. LINK DUMB STYLE BABY!

Division 1 running orders are posted over at NCWSA.com. This year ULM looks like they should be able to take it down again. Alabama and ULL could be a solid fight for second, then the rest of the field is looking pretty good. Could be quite the exciting fight for 4th.

Also over at NCWSA.com are the D-2 running orders. We have not paid very close attention to D-2 this year, but the Midwest looks strong as usual.

Edwin Wiley has a penchant for adrenalin...well that's good to know, thank you Purdue student paper.

Texas A&M was the underdog in the South Central regional but still qualified for nationals...what...underdog to the Baylor or Arkansas? Yea, those 3 skier teams will eat you alive.

The event running order is up at USAWS.com. I hate living where its cold and far away from Texas and all the awesomeness that will be hitting the water. In fact, I hate you all so much I refuse to talk anymore about college skiing.

Well except to point out my love for this college skier. /sighs

We here at the CRB care deeply for all of our readers* and want to make sure you all act safely and return back to your campuses in one piece after what will undoubtedly be a totally bitching weekend. So to help you remain safe we will let this learned panel explain the dangers of getting to stoked in Buda TX.

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