Sep 23, 2010

185 Feet

Storm Selsor, a former Green Boat House award winner, booted a gigantic 185 foot jump this past weekend. That is the longest jump in years, the last jump longer then that has to be Dodd going 187 back in 05 or so. We could look it up but thats no fun.

Could Storm break the record this year?

We have no idea why the hell are you asking us? We just make stuff up and pretend its true. Except for the Jimmy Siemers article, that is true, he was elected president but the national media wants to keep you in the dark so they wont tell you the truth.

This is not the vid from the 185, but we could not find it so here is a vid from nationals.

So Dig Dug kindly pointed out that I did not give the distance of the current NCWSA record. Ryan Fitts jumped 193 back in the late 90s or so.

There, does that make you happy Dig Dug? Jerk...


  1. gah, we need to send you to remedial writing school. You provided no context to why the 185 foot jump is anything worthwhile.

    Further, contextualizing it with dodds jump, implies that he only jumps 185.


  2. there, i updated it with the record. I hate you Dig Dug

    anyways I was hungover this morning so give me a break

  3. No, i am not happy.

    You failed to mention until the end this is a collegiate thing. or where the damn tournament was at.


  4. No, i am not happy.

    You failed to mention until the end this is a collegiate thing. or where the damn tournament was at.


  5. I am so not happy that posted twice!


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