Jul 21, 2010

CRB Brings the Sexy - Update

WHAT IS WRONG WITH ALL OF YOU??????!!????!?!?!?!?!?11???!!?

We post all the sexy awesomeness that is January Jones and no one can tell us that those pics are from a video? We had to have a vote in the office today about weather or not any of you have earned the right to see the video. Well I lost* so you do get to see it.
*Rowboat abides said something about a shortage of Viagra and how he just popped the last pill and we all ran from the room screaming

Don't ever disappoint us like that again or we may send you to your room!

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Counter point - Its super nice out

  oh sure, you were cold a few months ago, idiot , but, it was crazy nice out today.  it is a presidential election season which of course m...