Jun 5, 2010

CRB Brings The Sexy - Night Jam Edition

The coolest event in all of pro waterskiing starts in a little over 12 hours (yes sleep would probably be a good idea) and that means its Saturday morning. And you all know what the CRB brings on Saturday mornings...THE SEXY!!! OH YEA!!!!11!! This week in honor of the LA Night Jam we are brining you every female competitor who will be hitting the water today.

Tina Rauchenwald

Natallia Berdnikava

Whitney McClintock

Jenna Mielzynski

June Fladborg

Maj Lund Jepsen

Nancy Chardin

Clementine Lucine

Marion Mathieu

Marie Vympranietsova (looking forward to hearing Tony pronounce her last name)

New Zealand
Megan Ross de Siegert (could not find a pic, but that is one sexy flag!)

Danyelle Bennett

Regina Jaquess

Alex Lauretano

Best pics anywhere come from male competitor John Mommers website. Kids got photo skills.

This is a perfect example of why our sport freaking rules! Our girls are still smoking even sans makeup.

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