Jan 11, 2010

Freezing your ass off on the water.

These guys do this every year. And every year it is still funny.

I have skied in the snow before, there has been ice on the shore and all that, but I cant say I have used my boat as an ice breaker. I cant see that being good for the resale value...

1 comment:

  1. Jesus, I watched the first 15 seconds of that video and I allready have a Cold. Need some tissues. and theraflu. and a nap.


Speak now. Give us your tired your hungry your weak. We will make them into CRB Staff

Its to Dang Cold!

Enjoy this weather you hot piece of ass! Dispatch from the CRB weather desk Guess what???  ITS COLDER THEN A WELL DIGGERS ASS OUT THERE KIDS...