Jul 17, 2009


With twitter being the new hotness, we have tried to put together a list of some good twitter people to follow. However, in doing so we realized a few things.

1) When you dive into the twitter there are a million various paths that you head down and on each various path there are a million different worth while people. So, take this list as a jumping off point.

2) Its pretty heavily weighted to the three-event type world, which is good and all, but, there are a bunch of disciplines that we miss out on. wakeboard, barefoot, etc, etc. So, please help out!

We will try and update stuff as we go, but, help out if you can in the comment section.

So, here is what we have found so far. We have tried to divvy it up into categories.

Update: Effing blogger.com, i cant get a damn table to format right. so, here is the list sans any decent formatting or hyperlinking. *bashes head against table/desk/floor/dog*

Waterski Worlds http://twitter.com/waterskiworlds
LA Night Jam http://twitter.com/lanightjam
Big Dawg http://twitter.com/skibigdawg

Mandy Nightingale http://twitter.com/nightingalem
June Fladborg http://twitter.com/junefladborg
Nicolas LeForestier http://twitter.com/trickcoach
Mark Lane http://twitter.com/fastlane51
Karen Truelove http://twitter.com/karentlove
Thomas Asher http://twitter.com/thomasasher
Jaret Llewellyn http://twitter.com/jaretllewellyn
Seth Stisher http://twitter.com/h20zseth
Whitney McClintock http://twitter.com/whitmcclintock
Freddy Krueger http://twitter.com/thenightmare13
Alex Lauretano http://twitter.com/alexlauretano
Casey mommer http://twitter.com/rampkiller
Kole Magnowski http://twitter.com/kmagnows
Marcus Brown http://twitter.com/marcus_brown
Kyle Eade http://twitter.com/kjeade
Russell Gay http://twitter.com/russellgay

Waterski mag http://twitter.com/waterski_mag
Ball of Spray http://twitter.com/ballofspray
CreakyRowboat http://twitter.com/creakyrowboat
Ski HD http://twitter.com/bradpski
Wakeboarding Mag http://twitter.com/wakeboardingmag
Rykerts Lake of Sin http://twitter.com/rykertOT3
John Mommer http://twitter.com/jmp_photography
Kiteboarder http://twitter.com/the_kiteboarder

Sherman Schraft http://twitter.com/sschraft
Tadd Schreiber http://twitter.com/taddh2oz
Tony Lightfoot http://twitter.com/tonylightfoot
John Horton http://twitter.com/johnhorton

Ski Schools
Bennetts http://twitter.com/skibennetts

Goode Skis http://twitter.com/goodeskis
Nautique http://twitter.com/nautiqueboats
TCWAKE http://twitter.com/tcwake
HO Sports http://twitter.com/hosports
Malibu http://twitter.com/malibuboats
Connelly Skis http://twitter.com/Connellyskis
Ronix http://twitter.com/ronix
Radar http://twitter.com/radarskis
Global Marine http://twitter.com/jsglobalmarine
Hyperlite http://twitter.com/hyperlitewake
Epic Boats http://twitter.com/epicboats

AWWF http://twitter.com/AustralianWWF
USA Waterski http://twitter.com/usawaterski
Surf Expo http://twitter.com/surfexpo

Again, there are million more of these that we haven't listed here. Let us know.

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