Jul 13, 2009

Freestyle jump making a comeback?

Ok so my near obsession with freestyle jumping looks like it is going to lead me to travel to the middle of nowhere, Paper Country Wisconsin. They have finally brought back the individual freestyle Jump compatition. Needless to say I

Jizzed in my Pants

No. Name of Maneuver Description
1 Helicopter 360 Spin 1.0 2.5
2 Flip Forward Flip 2.0 3.5
3 Gainer Gainer Type Flip 2.5 3.5
4 Mobius Gainer + Helicopter 5.0 6.5
5 Front Mobius Flip ± Helicopter 6.0 7.5
6 720 2 Continuous 360 Spins 3.5 5.5
7 1080 3 Continuous 360 Spins 8.0 12.0
8 In-Out 720 360 Spin + Reverse 5.0 9.0
9 Double Mobius Gainer + 720 Spin 10.0 13.0
10 Double Flip 2 Continuous Flips 8.0 12.0
11 Double Gainer 2 Continuous Gainers 10.0 15.0
12 180 ½Turnw/BackLanding 2.0 3.5
13 540 l ½ Turnw/BackLanding 4.0 6.0
14 Half Mobius Gainer + 180 w/Back Landing 6.0 8.0
15 1½ Mobius Gainer + 540 w/Back Landing 9.5 12.0
16 Front Half Flip + 180 W/ Back Landing 7.0 9.0
17 Front 11/2 Flip + 540 w/Back Landing 10.0 15.0
18 Reverse Gainer Backwards takeoff gainer, 5.0 8.5backwards landing
19 Twisted Sister Heli, Front Flip, Separate 5.5 8.5 Rotations
20 Air Raley TBD TBD

I am pretty much pissing my pants in excitment, maybe that means I am a hugh dork but I dont care, this stuff FREAKING ROCKS. A guy that can throw a 540 mobe is just as talented as a jumper that can go over 200. (just my opinion dont yell at me)


  1. Anonymous2:25 PM

    jizzed in my pants from the video. toooo funny. but that molly sims.......

  2. is that who that is?

  3. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Jamie Lynn Sigler she was Meadow on The Soprano's is Cashier & Justin Timberlake is cleanup guy at 1:11

  4. You are so right about the freestyle jumping! I believe it's coming back too. There are a lot of younger jumpers out there who are willing to do the higher risk tricks. And I am one of them! :)

  5. What about one ski jumps!?!?


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