Jun 8, 2009


I mean really, why would you do this sport?

lets see, whats fun?

waterskiing? Check!
Boats? Check!
Big Engines? Check!
Going 110 MPH Check!
Putting all of those things into one? FUCK AND NO!

Are you all out of your damn minds? Its like what people say when you drive crazy fast on country roads, what if you hit a deer? well, I dont know, what if you hit a log or scraps of wood...

Leading Australian water-skier Mark Weaver has been seriously injured after crashing during the Queensland Ski Racing championships.

Weaver hit debris and came off his skis about 180kmh during the event, being held along the Clarence River near the NSW border.

RACQ CareFlight Rescue Crewman Ryan Purchase said Weaver had spinal and hand fractures and was being flown to the Princess Alexandra Hospital in Brisbane for treatment.

He is expected to miss the world championships in Belgium next month

oh, yea, thats what happens... Gotcha

but wait...what about the car... loaded with garbage...high speed...hmmmm

nope, not good.

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