Jun 26, 2009

Twits from a field in auto land

Along with tadd you can follow:
Wade Williams (ProSkiCoach) Twitter: twitter.com/proskicoach
Casey Mommer (rampkiller) Twitter: twitter.com/rampkiller
Marcus Brown (Marcus_Brown_) Twitter: twitter.com/Marcus_Brown_
The man the myth the legend Tadd Twitter: twitter.com/taddh2oz will be in town for tomorrow. Looks like he just flew in and man are his arms tired....

/joke fail

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Havent made it there yet. Due to arrive at midnight. If I can make the drive from DTroit to Grand Rapids. I have been taking ful advantage of the Delta Sky Club since about 1 this afternoon. We will see how this all shakes down. You got bail money?


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