May 16, 2008

Next Generation of Tow Vehicles

Jesus Christ man. Besmirching the amazing Lambo Gallardo with a trailer hitch, a diamond plate trailer and a motor cycle? Piss Poor. EPIC FAIL!!

We here at CRB envision some dude with too-much money, purchasing himself (or herself) one of these cars and thinking, "you know? sure, its fast and all, corners like a mofo, just doesn't have the utility of a Tahoe." Then going into the garage and welding on a....

ouch. that just hurts the head to think about.

Linky Treats:


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Somebody is trying too hard to win the CRB's Most Beautiful Rig contest

  3. oh crap...totally forgot about that...


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