Apr 10, 2008

Kite boardings response

This vid has my two favorite things to do in it. Girls and...um...more girls. It also makes kite boarding look a little cooler then it did in my last couple vids. Sorry no Sharks or Airplanes. But it does have a ton of kite boarding, wake boarding and...well...GIRLS.


  1. I think the implied message is if you do what is shown on the video, you will do what is shown on the video.

  2. Rykert...you just blew my mind!

  3. Anonymous12:32 PM

    wow, i like your thinking rykert. maybe that is my problem, I prefer boats. if i just pull a Mary Poppins I can get me some girls...hmmmmm

  4. Anonymous10:43 AM

    I bought an Iphone from someone and when i press the circular button at the bottom, even when i have my simcard in, it asks me to connect my iphone to iTunes. I dont have internet on my phone plan and i want to keep my phone plan the same price. How can i unlock the Iphone without activating it or connecting it to iTunes?
    [url=http://www.stroudfc.co.uk/pvtrailers/index.php?action=profile;u=9558]unlock iphone[/url]


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