Apr 3, 2008

Fuel Efficient Waterskiing!

So awhile back we here at the CRB were talking about how there aren't any fuel efficient boats out there. Well we found the soulution. Check it out...

There it folks, get out the good old Dotson and take your wheel off!


  1. WOOOO TAKE IT OFF!! Was that Leforestier?

  2. J'aime faire du ski nautique avec une cigarette aussi. Pas variment.

  3. Anonymous1:49 PM

    English please. We are in america, we speak american (damn it, why cant we change the name of it)

  4. Corrected:
    English, please. We are in America. We speak Ameican (damnit, why can't we change the name of it?)

    My comment translated: I like to waterski with a cigarette too. No, not really.


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