Oct 22, 2007

Ham and Cheese Pocket = $2.75

The image you see on the right is the snack bar at the Orlando Watersports Complex.

The OWC, located in...duh...Orlando is a huge cable ski complex that looks pretty damn awesome.

Most impressive, besides the two cable parks, nautiques, awesome water, hours of ski time, probably not-unattractive girls and the like, is the amazing deals on grub!! Check it out!!
Hamburger with lettuce, tomato, onions, pickle $3.50
Cheeseburger with lettuce, tomato, onions, pickle $4.00
Hot Dog $2.50
6 Chicken Wings HOT!!! or BBQ $3.50
Turkey or Ham Sub with cheese, lettuce, tomato, onions, pickles $4.75
Pizza pocket $2.75
Ham and Cheese Pocket $2.75
Chicken Cordon Bleu $3.50
Chef Salad $5.00
Garden Salad $4.25
Pizza Slice - pepperoni or cheese $2.75
Half pizza - pepperoni or cheese $8.50
Whole pizza - pepperoni or cheese $15.75
Popcorn $2.50
Fries $2.50
Pretzel $2.50
Onion Rings $3.50
Chips $1.50
Candy $1.50
Cookies chocolate chunk or white chocolate macadamia $1.50
Soda or Bottled Water $1.50
Gatorade or Energy Drink $2.00
Hook Us UP!!!!

OWC: orlandowatersports.com

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:45 AM

    dont worry about the skiing, all we care about is food! hmmm, maybe thats why I am out of shape


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