Sep 25, 2007

Back Where She Belongs

Wouldn't you know it? The CRB returns from our hiatus and order is restored to the world.

Freddy Kreuger gets his world-record jump approved (finally), college is back in full-swing with the appropriate stories from tournaments, and Dallas Friday returns to the top of the Wakeboard World in, ugh, Singapore.
"To come back here and win today was absolutely incredible, especially after the accident last year," said a visibly elated Friday following her win, which bagged her USD$8,000. "It's great to be back in Singapore, and it definitely means a lot to me to claim back the title this year."
Dallas knocked off fellow American Raimi Merrit and Canadian Marie Anne Ball to nab top honors at the Wakeboard World Cup in Singapore at the Bedok Reservoir. Whatever that is.

In related news, Phillip Soven, our favorite wakeboarder with his own signature Kids wakeboard, won on the less attractive side of the ledger. He, now sporting a much more grown up at 16 goatee, beat off Jeff Weatherall and Daniel Watkins for the top prize of $15,000 and all the free apple juice he could drink.

However, what gives with the prize money? Dallas won only $8G for winning while Phillip pocketed $15G. That doesn't seem fair now does it? Well, if she needs a place to crash if she can't make rent payments, the CRB headquarters does have amazing amenities, with beer flowing like wine and where the women flock instinctively like the salmon of Capistrano.

WakeBoard World Cup -

1 comment:

Speak now. Give us your tired your hungry your weak. We will make them into CRB Staff