Apr 17, 2007

Wear What the Pros Wear

Its a never ending cycle really, the pro athletes that everyone looks up to say something, do something or wear something and we all think its cool and do the same. I mean, I cant get enough Gatorade now that Kevin Garnett is my Gatorade-man in the morning.

As it goes, now comes Nicolas Le Forestier and his wearing of, and sponsorship of Alpina Watches. Check out their site if you want, or see his website if you need your fix.

Better yet, just take a peep at what the man has to say.
"Je suis extrêmement heureux de vous annoncer mon tout nouveau partenariat avec la marque de montre Suisse Alpina, déjà bien connue du milieu du ski alpin Alpina se tourne maintenant vers le nautisme avec des produits d'une qualité remarquable qui feront le bonheur des skieurs nautiques. Pour de plus amples informations vous pouvez visiter le site d'Alpina"
"I am extremely proud to announce my newest partnership with the Swiss watches manufacturer Alpina. Well know in the snow skiing industry Alpina will now be present among the waterski community. For more info visit Alpina's website"

Nicks Site (nicolasleforstier.com)
Alpina (alpina-watches.com)

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