Oct 24, 2006

Yeah, maybe not

HELP!! I need D2 love!!

Note to all the 4 people that pay attention to this little blog and/or those who were looking forward to the D2 nationals update. Its coming....eventually.

Don't know when, or how.

The member of the CRB crew who is in charge of taking care of our "live" update of various waterski endeavors just, somehow, got herself a job and is slacking on the highly lucrative work of blog updating.

...to be continued.


  1. Anonymous1:11 PM

    it makes me very sad that no one comments.

    -message board troll

  2. Anonymous9:09 PM

    Here is a comment for you, keep the rowboat afloat!


Speak now. Give us your tired your hungry your weak. We will make them into CRB Staff