May 18, 2006

Anyone up for a roadtrip?

Bio-Diesel only in this hog

This weekend (May 19-21) near Huxley, Iowa a bunch of college kids will be skiing...more specifically, Iowa State will host the 2006 collegiate All-Stars competition in the sprawling metropolis that is the Hux.

Yo, get a trip-tik.

Huxley, IA is about 30 minutes north of Des Moines, IA on hwy 35. When the drone of your engine and the endless cornfields diminish your capacity for paying attention on the road...then you know you are close.

"How dare you, son!" says the Huxley residents.
"I dare!!" says I

Huxley, IA here are the RAW FACTS!!
Population (year 2000): 2,316,

Est. population in July 2004: 2,345 (+1.3% change)

Males: 1,121 (48.4%), Females: 1,195 (51.6%)

Elevation: 1030 feet

Land area: 1.1 square miles

Median resident age: 32.5 years

Median household income: $48,068 (year 2000)

Median house value: $111,400 (year 2000)

YES!! More chicks then dudes! I am firing up the Chevette and I am on my way!

Look close...closer...closer...SMACK!!

What to expect:
1) Booze
2) Waterskiing


"Hosted by the the Iowa State Univesity Water Ski Team and Dream Lake Estates, the event promises to set new standards for All-Stars and Team Trials.

Here's what the Iowa State Team has to say about their plans:

'The Iowa State ski team plans to make this an event to remember. Many ideas from the 2005 Nationals hosted by Purdue are already being used so that this is a tournament that makes the athlete feel like they deserve to be there. In addition to this, we want to give every All Star skier the chance to ski in front of a crowd like the pro skiers get the chance to do.'" more thing.

Races in Huxley:

  • White Non-Hispanic (96.8%)
  • Hispanic (1.3%)
  • Two or more races (0.9%)
  • American Indian (0.7%)
  • Other race (0.6%)
Yep, this is definitlay a waterski type town.

2006 All-Stars and Team Trials (
Huxley, IA (Mapquest)
Huxley, IA (City-Data)


  1. Huxley is quaint, to put it mildly. Dream lake is a pretty sweet site. Waterskiing, etc might even make an appearance. I've gotta give y'all some mad props: your research dept is much better than mine. I've never had population stats for a tournament site.

  2. Anonymous8:25 PM

    I gotta agree, way to go with the stats, someone has alot of time on there hands.


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